Christina Kanstrup
I am a business psychologist with more than 25 years of experience in leadership development, executive coaching, and executive career transition.
After 19 years of working in consultancies and corporations, I founded Mind Connection in 2008. My ambition is to constantly offer my unique set of competencies making great leaders excellent. I stick with you and follow-through; I am a no-nonsense kind of advisor who gets things done. However, still a warm and empathic person. I base my work on tried and tested psychological and scientifically proven methods. Plus, my more than 25 years of psychological experience.
I believe that connected minds create the future – through synergy and inspiration, by putting complementary competencies into play. As I see it, connected minds think ahead. As human beings, we can combine our knowledge and experiences no matter how great questions we need answers to or how simple actions we need advice on – hence the name Mind Connection. For me, a deep understanding of how human psychology and business strategy are connected is the key to unlocking excellence. And I hope I can help you unlock yours. Jeg baserer mit arbejde på afprøvede psykologiske og videnskabeligt dokumenterede metoder. Og selvfølgelig på mine mere end 25 års erfaring.
Jeg tror på, at mennesker med høj selvindsigt og stærk relationsopbygning skaber fremtiden gennem synergi og inspiration. Vi tænker fremad ved at sætte komplementære kompetencer i spil. Som mennesker kan vi kombinere vores viden og erfaringer, uanset hvor store spørgsmål vi har brug for svar på, eller hvor simple handlinger vi har brug for råd om.
For mig er en dyb forståelse af, hvordan den menneskelige psykologi og forretningsstrategi hænger sammen nøglen til at forløse dit potentiale. Og jeg håber, jeg kan være med til at forløse dit.